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Gone, but not Forgotten from the Sabal Palm Class of 1977.

Allen Ronald Turner (3/20/65 - 10/20/87)

Gone, but not Forgotten from the Sabal Palm Faculty and Staff.

Carolyn Angelou, 5th Grade
Marie Frischholz, 4th Grade
Kathryn Hoolihan, 2nd Grade (12/26/33 - 6/20/03)
Jim Howard, Library
Jim Monday, 6th Grade
Jackie Newton, 6th Grade
Anne Rudy, 3rd Grade
Edna Stallworth, Kindergarten

Michelle Lisa Adler 9/22/69 - 4/7/03 (A Roadrunner from the Class of 1981.)
Michelle Lisa Adler 9/22/69 - 4/7/03 (A Roadruuner from the Class of 1981.)

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