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The North Miami Beach Senior High School Class of 1983's Class Roster 'H'.

A question mark icon indicates their status as missing or unknown.
An envelope icon indicates that an e-mail address is available upon request.
A globe icon allows you to visit their web-site by clicking on this icon.
A camera icon allows you to see a picture of that person by clicking on this icon.
A black ribbon icon indicates that person has passed away.
A letter C icon indicates that person is a reunion committee member.

Rhonda Hackhart is missing.
Andrea Sherylee Hagen (Saifman) E-mail address is available upon request.
Rhonda Hakimian E-mail address is available upon request.
Brenda Lee Hall is missing.
Cheryl Renee Hall (Bell) E-mail address is available upon reqeust.
Sonia Esperanza Ham is missing.
Willette Hampton is missing.
Pam Handis is missing.
Karen Kristen Hanley is missing.
Archie Gonzello Hanna is missing.
Boyd Hanna is missing.
Theresa Hanophy (Clark) E-mail address is available upon request.
Brenton Lloyd Harding
Lance August Harke E-mail address is available upon request.
Lisa Harmelin E-mail address is available upon request.
Louis Harmelin E-mail address is available upon request.
Michelle Renne Harrington (Decker) E-mail address is available upon request.
Kevin Bruce Harris E-mail address is available upon request.
Latonia Diana Harris (Pruitt) is missing.
Mark Harris is missing.
Dafna Harrison E-mail address is available upon request.
Debra Hartman is missing.
Napoleon Eduardo Hasbun is missing.
Michael Haskell is missing.
Hassan Hassan is missing.
Jeffrey Paul Hausman is missing.
Lloyd Havel is missing.
Alex Havenner is missing.
Shawn Robert Haynes is missing.
Jonathan Head is missing.
Michael Thomas Hebda is missing.
Gregory Hedditch is missing.
Jack Alan Heilig
Elizabeth (Liz) Irene Heisler E-mail address is available upon request.
Adam Heller E-mail address is available upon request.
Michael J. Heller E-mail address is available upon request.
Deborah Marie Helmers (London) E-mail address is available upon request.
Levandous Alexander Henderson
Rondell Henderson is missing.
Marie Henry is missing.
Karla Frances Herdegen had passed away.
Charles Hernandez E-mail address is available upon request.
Javier Hernandez is missing.
Benjamin Joseph Hershfield E-mail address is available upon request.
Bart Howard Hertzendorf
Adam Daniel Heuer is missing.
Judith Lynn Heyman (Sampson) E-mail address is available upon request.
Camille Dawn Hibbert is missing.
Catherine Ann Hilderbrandt (Mendonca)
Robert Hill is missing.
Darrell Hinkley is missing.
Nathalie Anh Tu Hoang (Depompa) E-mail address is available upon request.
Jill Stacy Hochfelsen E-mail address is available upon request.
Randy Michael Hoffman E-mail address is available upon request.
Terri Lynne Hoffman
Jennifer Ann Holley (Hayes) E-mail address is available upon request.
Christopher George Holness E-mail address is available upon request.
Robert Holoboff is missing.
Dennise Holsman is missing.
Regina Horne is missing.
Kenneth Horowitz is missing.
Kenneth Horton is missing.
Donnita Marie Horton is missing.
Kenneth Horwitz is missing.
Christine Elena Howard (Bernstein) E-mail address is available upon request.
Robyn Howell is missing.
Nancy Howells is missing.
Karen Hughes is missing.
Sheila Hunter is missing.
Maureen Hurley is missing.
Alisa (Lisa) Beth Hurwitz (Peretz) E-mail address is available upon request.
Derrell Edward Hutton is missing.
Judith Pam Hyman (Reiss) E-mail address is available upon request.
Melinda Hymenson is missing.

A question mark icon indicates their status as missing or unknown.
An envelope icon indicates that an e-mail address is available upon request.
A globe icon allows you to visit their web-site by clicking on this icon.
A camera icon allows you to see a picture of that person by clicking on this icon.
A black ribbon icon indicates that person has passed away.
A letter C icon indicates that person is a reunion committee member.

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