Welcome to the North Miami Beach Senior High School Chargers of 1983 Official Home Room at NMB83.COM located in North Miami Beach, Florida, U.S.A.
Attention Chargers, Falcons, and Panthers of 1978 through 1987:
WOW! Our School YEAR BOOKS are now available on COMPACT DISC!
All sorts of items, such as shirts, mugs, bags, and much more are NOW available! Show off your CHARGER PRIDE and SPIRIT! "Say it LOUD, show it PROUD, N.M.B!"
Our on line class PHOTO ALBUM.
Including pictures of our past 25th Year Reunion of July 19, 2008!
The NMB Charger Band of 1981-1985 BAND ROOM!
Our ALMA MATER and FIGHT SONGS are also featured inside the BAND ROOM, too.
The Chargers of 1983's CLASS ROSTER.
A complete list of MISSING ALUMNI can be viewed and printed by clicking HERE.
Our classmate's websites, homepages and other interesting sites at our
The FACULTY and STAFF of North Miami Beach Senior High School 1980-1983.
A complete list of MISSING FACULTY and STAFF can be viewed and printed by clicking HERE.
GONE, but not Forgotten of the Chargers.
Play your favorite VIDEO ARCADE games in the Retro 80s GAME ROOM!
School class sites associated with our class:
The Sabal Palm Elementary School Roadrunners CLASS of 1977 home room.
The John Fitzgerald Kennedy Junior High School Falcons CLASS of 1980 home room.
Highland Oaks Junior High School Panthers FACULTY and STAFF of 1977-1980 list.
Check us out on FACEBOOK for more information about our upcoming events or stay tuned here!
Please visit the FREE NMB High Delphi Message Forum Board.
If you have access to the internet but do NOT have a personal E-Mail address, you can get a FREE personal E-Mail address at YAHOO! Once you have a personal E-Mail address, you can keep in touch with your fellow classmates, receive message notifications from the free Delphi message board, receive updates about our upcoming class reunions and help find others from our class.
WARNING: The information contained in these pages are for
official class reunion use, and for communications of a personal nature between
graduates and friends of the Class of 1983 of North Miami Beach Senior High School
(North Miami Beach, Florida) listed herein. Use of this web page information for any
other purpose, including, but not limited to reproducing and storing in a
retrieval system by any means, electronic or mechanical, or using the e-mail
address links on these web pages for any unsolicited commercial or political mailing
is strictly