The North Miami Beach Senior High School Class of 1983's Class Roster 'M'.
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A icon indicates that person has passed away. A icon indicates that person is a reunion committee member. Kevin Anthony Machado Michele Antonette Mack (McFadden) William Patrick Magee Carl Magnole Steven Maiorana Shane Malka Christine Malkani Stacy Ann Malkin (Overby) Gail Malone Lauretta Manente (Lampe) Richard Matthew Manten Genhaver (Geny) Mar (Hoppe) Margaret Ann March Maxine Marchese Jay Samuel Marcus Mark Margaretten Marisol Isabel Margaris (Metro) Marlene Marin (Williams) Jennifer Marjama Jayleene (Robin) Mark Gary Edward Markman Darren Marc (Sykoff) Marlin Lisa Ann Marlin Christine E. Martin (Hayes) Joseph Richard Martin Timothy Ivan Martin Debra Martinelli Jeanette Martinez (O'Reilly) Richard Martinez Christopher Scott Martire Melissa Martone (Arce) Nuria Mateu Lynn Matthews Carol Ann Matz Stefanie Esther Matzer Jon Maurer Darlene Vernice Maycock Bryan Neil Mayl Deanna Marie McCalla Mark McCarthy Denise McCaul Robert McClure Michael Gordon McCorkle Eilene Marie McDonald Danette Linda McDonough Marlene McDowell Lisa McElroy Joanne McGauran Richard McGhee Charles McGlaughlin Donna Marie McLaughlin Robert McMurray Kristina Simone McPhee (Wilcox) Lisa Darnell Meadows Harold Eugene Mealick Lisa Mectin Lisa Medin (Benchimol) Leticia Adriana Medina Neville Andrew Meikle Ralph Gerard Melillo Percy Mel-Irani Avishai Mendelson Joanne Marie Mendez (Friedman) Lisa Menendez (Dahl) James Merrill Hope Merritt Thomas Merritt Eric P. Messer Iliana Mestre Lisa Mestre David Metzler Ronen Michaeli Christopher Michelson John Michelson Linda Mickenberg Beth Hope Middleman (Anastasio) Dawn Milby Jesse Milkes Laurie Millard Deborah (Debbie) Lynda Miller Mike Miller Raynalda Noel Milord Paul Minnich Gina Minniti Eric Mintz Mitchell Miskie Lauren Marcy Mitchel (Stollman) Sharon Mitchell Sonya Yvette Mitchell Tyrone Mitchell Marci Mogel Lawrence Molinaro Jacqueline Molinet Ana Mollinedo James Moltmann Peter Monella Javier Monzon Sherri Moore Abraham Morales Carmen Morales (Tores) Norma Morales Maria Morejon Arnaldo Valencia Morello Ivan Orlando Moreno Glenn Allan Morgan Scott Morgan Aya Morris (Sewell-Burstein) Carol Morris Sheryl Morris Abby Faye Morrison (Cohen) Thomas Arthur Morrison Elaina Mosher Anita Mossberg (Strickland) Leo Mourino Debbie Muck Rosemary Musselli (Feinman) Donna Myers Melinda Mylinarski A icon indicates their status as missing or unknown. A icon allows you to send an e-mail message to that person by clicking on this icon. A icon allows you to visit their web-site by clicking on this icon.
A icon allows you to see a picture of that person by clicking on this icon.
A icon indicates that person has passed away. A icon indicates that person is a reunion committee member. Next Roster N or go directly to Roster A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Back to the Chargers of 1983 HOME ROOM page. WOW! Our School YEAR BOOKS are now available on COMPACT DISC!