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The North Miami Beach Senior High School Class of 1983's Class Roster 'W'.

A icon indicates their status as missing or unknown.

A icon allows you to send an e-mail message to that person by clicking on this icon.

A icon allows you to visit their web-site by clicking on this icon.

A icon allows you to see a picture of that person by clicking on this icon.

A icon indicates that person has passed away.

A icon indicates that person is a reunion committee member.

David Wagers

David Arthur Wagner

Edward Steven Wagner

Roberto Waisburd

Wali Jamiel Waiters

Henry Scott Waldman

Richard Waldman

Laura Walker

Catherine Mary Wall

Deborah Wallach (Staudhammer)

Richard Charles Wallet

Debra Walsh

Tommy Walsh

Tueday Lynne Walston (Parker)

Gary Wan

David Wandorf

Elyse Hope Wasserman (Morales)

Natalie Waters

Nina Renee Watkins

Lillian Weber

Donna Anne Webster (Rockwood)

Mary Wegrzyn

Lisa Elaine Weinberg (Nelson)

Michael Kalman Weinberger

Amy Debra Weiner

Frank David Weingast-Klein

Dan Weiner

Alison Mia Weinstein (Mars)

Jennifer Weisberg (Millner)

Gregory J. Weiser

Michael Lawrence Weisman

Lisa Michele Weiss (Rothenberg)

Stephanie Welch

David Wendorf

Lauren Ruth Wendrow (Weisberg)

Wanda Regina Wesolowski

James Bruce Whaley

Angela White-Lawrence

Camula Sylval White

Cheryl Lynn White

Beth Lauren Whitebook (Decespedes)

Stewart Whittaker

Dan Wiener

Maria Viney Wilder

Carine Williams (Lewis)

Jennifer Williams

Joseph M. Williams

Marisa Williams

Norman Gregory Williams

Stanley Williams

Tabatha Jadaine Williams

Jacquelyn Vanessa Willis (Simmons)

Finel Wilson

Bonnie Farla Winagar

Chari Debra Winagar (Garrison)

James Sean Winslow

Michelle Ann Winton (Plotka)

Ronnie Woiski

Kimberly Jeanne Wolfort

David Alan Wolis

Jill Beth Woliver (Rubin)

Susan Lynn Wool

Sharon May Wong (Nymoen)

Wilson Wong

Adriana Worthalter (Albert)

Jeffrey Wright

Michael Gary Wynter

A icon indicates their status as missing or unknown.

A icon allows you to send an e-mail message to that person by clicking on this icon.

A icon allows you to visit their web-site by clicking on this icon.

A icon allows you to see a picture of that person by clicking on this icon.

A icon indicates that person has passed away.

A icon indicates that person is a reunion committee member.

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