The North Miami Beach Senior High School Class of 1983's Class Roster 'O'.
Eric Scott Odze
Mawar (Kim) Oendi (Oen) (Chandra)
Jay Ogleree
Melinda Jane Oglesbee
Rose Oher (Goldmann)
Glenn Olinsiz
Mike Orth
Samuele Orvieto
Cheryl Lynne Osheroff (Shavrick)
Glen Oshinsky
Stuart Ian Ostrow
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A icon indicates that person has passed away. A icon indicates that person is a reunion committee member. Next Roster P or go directly to Roster A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Back to the Chargers of 1983 HOME ROOM page. WOW! Our School YEAR BOOKS are now available on COMPACT DISC!