The North Miami Beach Senior High School Class of 1983's Class Roster 'P'.
A icon indicates their status as missing or unknown.
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A icon indicates that person has passed away. A icon indicates that person is a reunion committee member. Olga Pacheco Illya Pagan Lizette Pagan Mary Paige Meri Paige Richard Steven Paiz George Felipe Pajares Michelle Joy Pakula (Sager) Alex Palermo Kirk Panzer William Evan Papastathis James Paradiso Jill Darin Pardes (Wolfson) Maria Paris Denise Parker Danny Parrish Lisa Parrott Lisa Ann Pascarella (Ciciotti) Melissa Beth Pasekoff (Gache) Jeralyn Pasercia Jeralin Paserchia Mindy Lynn Passaro (Dorta) Ricky Passaro Dawn Passino Lisa Carol Patricoff Antoinette Patterson Michael Patton Matthew James Dunne-Payne Ligia Paz Laura Grazia Pazienza Bradley Allen Pearson Danny Pearson Steve Peart Tony Pecoraro Lori Pedrazus Ricardo Penton Denis Jean Perdiguero (Vassallo) Alfredo Perez Octavio Perez Rene Perez Tamar Perla John Michael Persico Victoria Pesce (Elliot) Marc David Pesetsky Gary Petigrow Nyla Petruccione Kchao Phearada Kelly Phillips Roger Keith Piper Maureen Pivnick Leslie Pizzarelo Preston Michael Plous Javier Lazaro Polanco Bradley Pollack Thomas Richard Pollack David Scott Polsky Maria Pons Sandra Michele Porter (Edelson) Brett Portman Brian Steven Portnoy Mike Porzio Lauren Michele Posnick Stephen Post Leiba Posternak Christine Poulin Mary Ann Powers (Fry) Gregory James Pozzi Andrew Todd Pozzuto Denise Ameial Pressley Manon Prevost Dawn Price Jorge Enrique Prieto Ray Pruitt Anthony Aubyn Pryce Nigel Ptuvee A icon indicates their status as missing or unknown. A icon allows you to send an e-mail message to that person by clicking on this icon. A icon allows you to visit their web-site by clicking on this icon.
A icon allows you to see a picture of that person by clicking on this icon.
A icon indicates that person has passed away. A icon indicates that person is a reunion committee member. Next Roster Q or go directly to Roster A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Back to the Chargers of 1983 HOME ROOM page. WOW! Our School YEAR BOOKS are now available on COMPACT DISC!